LATIN AMERICA 2010 – Saturday 4 December, TUC Congress House, London, WC1Y

Making a better world possible

The grandson and biographer of legendary Nicaraguan revolutionary leader Sandino; a member of the National Resistance Front against the Coup in Honduras; a community activist from Venezuela; and the new Cuban ambassador to the UK are just some of the key speakers featuring at this weekend’s Latin America 2010 conference at TUC Congress House.

Walter Sandino, describes his grandfather Augusto Sandino, as the “inspiration and example to many liberation movements in Latin America including the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA).’

Following the brutal coup in Honduras in June 2009, René Amador joined the National Resistance Front against the Coup d’ Etat, and together with thousands of other Hondurans risks violence and death by standing up stand up for their rights.

These Latin American speakers will join leading British trade unionists, writers, journalists, artists, politicians, campaigners, film directors, diplomats and academics at the sixth annual Latin America Conference on Saturday 4 December.

Key note speeches, film showings and workshops will give an opportunity to hear first hand from the peoples of Latin America about the reality of the region and effective ways for people in the UK to support their struggles and defend their achievements by getting involved in solidarity work.

Saturday 4 December 2010, 9.15-5pm

TUC Congress House, Gt Russell Street, London WC1Y

Followed by:


Celebrate the end of conference with live latin music, DJs, dancing, food, bar and cocktails

5.30pm ‘til 10pm at Bolivar Hall, 54 Grafton Way, London, W1 (5 minutes from Congress House)


Afro-Colombian rhythms from Cumbé

Cuban Son from Omar Puente and friends

Songs from Silvia Rox

Latest dance sounds from DJ Cal Jader (Movimientos)

Tickets £8 (or just £5 if purchased with a Latin America Conference ticket)

The annual Latin America conferences have become one of the most successful events of their kind in the UK. Since December 2005, thousands of delegates from across the country have come to hear speakers from more than 30 countries discuss and share experiences of developments in the Caribbean and Latin America.

Tickets £10 waged/£6 unwaged

Available online below or on 020 8800 0155


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