CSC launches its biggest ever Parliamentary lobbying campaign!

New website to be launched Monday

On Monday 8th March the Cuba Solidarity Campaign will launch its biggest ever Parliamentary lobbying campaign to coincide with the upcoming UK General Election.

The nationwide campaign will see thousands of CSC members, friends and affiliated organisations contacting over 2,500 Prospective Parliamentary Candidates from all parties to find out their views on Cuba. A new interactive web site will be launched which has the full details of nearly all the parliamentary candidates. The web site allows users to easily identify their candidates and send them email letters at the click of a button. Each candidate will be asked 'If elected as an MP will you support better relations with Cuba'.

The outcomes of this unique campaign will be made public in the build up to election day.

We will need your help in contacting all the candidates fighting for your votes in 646 consituencies.

The site will be launched on Monday 8th March and details will be sent out to all subscribers of Cuba Update and will be advertised on the CSC website.


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