Cuban Ambassador sends thanks for 50th anniversary messages

Hundreds sign anniversary card to the Cuban people – add your name today

On 12 January CSC received a letter from the Cuban Ambassador to the UK, Rene Mujica Cantelar thanking the Campaign and everyone who has signed the 50th anniversary message board for their support.

The text of the card is below:

Dear friends

Cuba celebrates this year the 50th. Anniversary of its Revolution and we feel very proud indeed to share with all of you the many achievements and advances that have been attained in our country since 1959.

We have been extremely moved by the hundreds of messages we have received in solidarity with our Revolution, for which I want to convey my heartfelt gratitude on behalf of the Cuban people.

It is a testament to the solidarity efforts of the people of the UK that so many leading personalities from the fields of politics, arts, culture and the trade union movement, have signed the internet based message board set up by the Cuba Solidarity Campaign. We are deeply honoured that the great Nobel Prize winner Harold Pinter inaugurated the message board, shortly before his most saddening demise in December.

We, the Cuban people, feel a great sense of pride in our Revolution and we stand determined to continue our struggle for a better country and a better world, knowing that in these efforts we shall always be able to count with your solidarity and support.

Rene J. Mujica Cantelar


Hundreds of friends of Cuba have already sent 50th anniversary messages to the Cuban people via the CSC online message board.

Writers, politicians, musicians, trade union leaders, solidarity organisations, and hundreds of others have added their names within weeks of it going live.

The message board will stay active throughout 2009, so if you haven’t already you can add your message today at

If you have already signed, please forward the link to friends, family and colleagues so that we get as many signatures as possible.

New features including a search option so you can find your name in the list and a counter so you can keep an eye on how many people have signed have also been added.

More thank 800 messages have come from all over the world – 26 countries from every continent are represented including as far afield as South Africa, India, Nigeria, Nicaragua, Australia, the USA, Russia, and Spain.


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