UK unions send fraternal messages to mark CTC 70th anniversary year

Cuban Workers Central celebrates 70 years

For Cuba’s 3.3 million trade union members, 2009 is a doubly important year. It marks not only the 50th anniversary of the Revolution but the 70th anniversary of the foundation of their national trade union federation the Central Trabajadores de Cuba (CTC – Cuban Workers Central).

The country’s 19 sectoral unions celebrate this anniversary on 28 January 2009, and CSC and many UK unions have sent fraternal greetings, extracts of which are printed below.


Fraternal messages from the UK to the Cuban trade union movement to mark the 70th anniversary of the foundation of the CTC


On the 70th anniversary of the formation of the CTC, and on behalf of the TUC's affiliated unions and their 6.5 million members, I send greetings and congratulations. Now more than ever, workers of the world need solidarity in the face of the latest crisis resulting from the untrammelled free market. Globalisation demands of unions that we work together to protect working people and ensure that their voice is heard.

Brendan Barber, General Secretary, TUC


Fraternal greetings on the 70th anniversary of the Cuban Workers Central (CTC). Congratulations on 70 years of campaigning for workers rights in Cuba and defending the achievements and gains of the working class. Cuba has achieved so much and is a beacon for others the world over showing that another world is possible. In healthcare, education and internationalism the Cuban people and the CTC have been forthright in defending the gains of the Revolution. Unite the Union is proud to send our congratulations to the CTC on this historic occasion.

Tony Woodley, Joint General Secretary, Unite the Union


On behalf of the 1.35 million members of UNISON, I send you fraternal greeting on your 70th anniversary. The CTC has a remarkable record in helping to build the social advances in Cuba throughout its history, in voicing the views of working people and in supporting the government of Cuba in the face of the challenges they have dealt with. I also applaud the key role that the CTC has played in building international solidarity among workers, particularly in Latin America, but also further afield. We in UNISON wish the CTC every success for the future in the hope that political developments, especially the inauguration of new President in the United States, will bring an end to the illegal blockade and allow the workers of Cuba to live in peace, freedom and prosperity.

Dave Prentis, General Secretary, UNISON


On behalf the Cuba Solidarity Campaign in the UK we would like to extend our deepest and fraternal greetings to the CTC (Cuban Workers Central) on the 70th anniversary of your foundation.

From the days before the Revolution to the present day the CTC has proudly represented workers from every section of Cuban society. Today we are proud that 24 national trade unions here in the UK, representing over 6 million UK workers, are affiliated to the Cuba Solidarity Campaign and are engaged in ongoing solidarity with Cuba.

In the year of the 50th anniversary of the Revolution, and the 70th anniversary of your founding, we congratulate you in all your efforts.

Rob Miller, Director Keith Sonnet, Chair Bernard Regan, Secretary

Cuba Solidarity Campaign


Dear Comrades, Brothers and Sisters

On behalf of GMB members and our Executive I write to convey congratulations on the historic occasion of the 70th Anniversary of the Cuban Worker's Central. We congratulate you on all that you have done to protect the rights and improve the living standards of Cuban Workers and all of this despite the limited resources due to the ongoing US blockade. GMB condemns the hostile attempts by the US to undermine the self-determination and economic position of Cuba and we will continue to do all that we can in opposition to these sanctions. We salute you and look forward to our continuing friendship.

Paul Kenny, General Secretary, GMB


The Fire Brigades Union (FBU) sends fraternal greetings to the CTC on the historic occasion of its 70th Anniversary. We note that it coincides with the 50th Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution and feel that both anniversaries are worth celebrating by trade unionists and socialists throughout the world. A large FBU delegation visited Cuba last year and took part in the May Day celebrations. We were inspired by the example of your country’s achievements in health, education and internationalism. We congratulate you on ensuring that the voice of Cuban workers is heard at every level. El mundo te saludo.

Matt Wrack, General Secretary FBU

Mick Shaw, President FBU ……………………………..

The National Union of Rail, Maritime & Transport Workers congratulates the CTC for 70 years of defending workers and fighting for the revolution. Best wishes and solidarity for your future struggles.

Bob Crow, General Secretary, RMT


The CTC has played a major role in the economic, political and social transformation of Cuba. Its 70th anniversary is an ideal opportunity to celebrate what Cuba has achieved over the past 50 years with trade unionists at the heart of government initiatives and policies.

Sally Hunt, General Secretary – UCU


Fraternal Greetings to the workers of Cuba on the celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the Central Trajabadores de Cuba. Your struggle for peace, justice and socialism is an inspiration to all workers of the world.

Joe Marino, General Secretary – BFAWU


Dear Salvador

On behalf of 200,000 public sector UNISON members in the North West of the UK I extend our warmest fraternal greetings to all the trade unions in the Republic of Cuba, but especially those in Matanzas on the 70th anniversary of your Cuban Workers Trade Union Central, (CTC). We, like everyone in Cuba have just celebrated the glorious anniversary of your revolution, a historic moment that opened up a new era of independence and the building of a new socialist society. This has been achieved despite an illegal blockade, terrorism and so many other provocations over the last 50 years.

Your successes over this period in health, education, technology, employment, sports and the arts have only been possible through the invaluable contributions of all Cuban workers. The CTC by representing and defending their interests has not only defended the revolution but also promoted the development of the economy, higher living standards and selfless internationalism across the globe. The CTC and Cuban workers achievements in promoting international solidarity are an inspiration to millions across the world and prove beyond doubt that 'another world is possible'.

UNISON wishes you bigger and greater successes in your struggles on behalf of Cuban workers, the Cuban people and your country’s overall political and public life. We will continue to work closely with the unions in Matanzas in the future and we will continue to call for justice for the five heroes cruelly imprisoned in the USA.

Long live the people and workers of Matanzas and Cuba.

In solidarity

Frank Hont

Regional Secretary, North West Region UNISON

Dianne Kelly, Regional Convenor, North West Region UNISON


The South West Region of Unison sends a message of solidarity and support as you celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Revolution. You have always been an inspiration to the workers of the World. Long live the gains of the revolution and the determination of the Cuban people.

Chris Howe, Regional International Committee, South West Region UNISON



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