Virgin Atlantic to fly to Cuba from 2005

Airline boss Branson says service will start in July

March 27: Virgin Atlantic plans to launch nonstop flights from London Gatwick to Cuba and the Bahamas in July 2005, the Miami Herald reports.

The new flights will operate twice a week from London to Havana, starting July 21, 2005, and once a week from London to Nassau, starting July 18, 2005.

Virgin Atlantic will operate the flights with Boeing 747-400s.

Overall, the airline is increasing its capacity to the Caribbean by 20 percent, including adding additional frequencies to Grenada and Trinidad and Tobago.

"I am delighted Virgin Atlantic is launching two new routes from London to the Caribbean and I'm sure that both Cuba and the Bahamas will be extremely popular with our passengers," the Herald quotes Richard Branson, chairman of Virgin Atlantic as saying.

"Our presence on these routes will bring increased competition and better value for money which is ultimately good news for the traveling public."

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