Cuba leads Latin American in Education for All

Cuba leads Latin America and the Caribbean in Education for All (EFA) according to a report released by the United Nations Education, Science and Culture Organization (UNESCO).

The document notes that Cuba and Aruba are the only countries of the region that have achieved the objectives of the EFA program approved during the World Education Forum held in Dakar in 2000.

Cuba’s achievements in this field – which includes primary education, adults’ literacy, quality of education and gender equality, among other aspects – were recognized by UNESCO in 2007.

All Cuban citizens of all ages are guaranteed free and high quality education and Cuba supports other countries’ educational efforts with personnel and with the literacy method ‘Yo si puedo’ (Yes, I Can), which is being implemented in several nations that are carrying out literacy campaigns and that has helped thousands of people learn to read and write.

The UNESCO report, entitled “Overcoming Inequality: Why Governance Matters”, makes an urgent call for a revision of policies in the sector to reduce the inequalities that exist in the region and in the world, in general.


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