Cuba50 night at NAPO conference

Llandudno was the venue for this years’ National Association of Probation Officers (NAPO) Conference where CSC hosted a Cuba50 fringe and social.

More than 400 delegates and guests packed in for a night of live music and salsa from Raices Cubanas, and havana club rum cocktails to celebrate 50 years of the Cuban Revolution.

Earlier in the evening, delegates to the CSC fringe heard NAPO General Secretary, Jonathan Ledger, tell delegates that meetings such as this were ‘a reminder of our international commitment’. He spoke warmly of Cuba and ‘the success story that is going on’ and expressed his pleasure that the meeting was taking place.

Rob Miller, Director of the CSC gave an overview of the situation in Cuba. Speaking on the upcoming United Nations vote against the blockade, he gave examples of British companies bowing to extraterritorial US blocakde laws and urged people to continue campaigning against this. Rob reminded delegates that 2009 was the 50th anniversary of the Cuban revolution and a year long programme of activities was planned to mark the occasion.

Rob concluded by talking about the recent devastating hurricanes that had hit Cuba. These have damaged the Cuban economy to the extent of $5 billion.

Vice-Chair of CSC and UNISON NEC member, Bob Oram spoke about the campaign for justice for the Miami 5 and their families. Delegates watched the video on the case produced specially by CSC and the unions to highlight the miscarriage of justice and break the wall of silence which surrounds it.

Bob told delegates that Olga and Adriana, wives of Rene and Gerardo had spoke at a standing room only fringe meeting at Labour Party conference, updating them on recent developments and actions including the successful vigil outside the US Embassy on 7 October.

The meeting also heard from Elfyn Llwyd MP who said that he had ‘great respect for Cuba’ – ‘a wonderful country’ that a Plaid Cymru delegation had recently visited.

After the fringe meeting delegates enjoyed live music and dancing at the social. Jonathan Ledger, General Secretary of NAPO drew the raffle with some excellent prizes including Cuban cigars, rum and Che Guevara books and t-shirts.


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