Protests in Miami against Cuba travel restrictions

More than half a hundred people protested on Monday in Miami against the current Cuba travel restrictions imposed by the Bush Administration.

The demonstration was called by the Association of Christian Women in Defense of the Family and other organizations that form the Marti Alliance (Alianza Martiana) and it took place in front of the offices of anti-Cuba congresswoman Ileana Ross Lehtinen (R-Fl).

Lehtinen is one of promoters of this and other measures that obstruct normal relations between Cuban immigrants and their families in Cuba and also of the US hostile and genocidal policy against the Caribbean nation.

According to Andres Gomez, director of the Areito Magazine in Miami,thousands of passers-by showed their support of the demonstrators during the almost hour and half that the protest lasted.

“Nevertheless, the media in Miami, which responds to the same interests of Ross Lehtinen, ignored the demonstration,” Gomez denounced.


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