Chavez praises Cuban work in Venezuela

During his “Hello President” Sunday TV program, Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez expressed his appreciation for the work of Cuban healthcare experts supporting social initiatives in his country.

Chavez praised the outcomes of the “Barrio Adentro” and “Jose Gregorio Hernandez” social service efforts in which the Cubans have been

closely involved since these initiatives emerged five years ago.

Chavez noted that thanks to these programs that provide medical assistance to the poor, an estimated 100,000 lives have been saved.

The Venezuelan head of state sent his regards to Cuban leader Fidel Castro and noted that the efforts would not have succeeded under a market system.

He said the Cubans would have been sent back to their country in the first place, and added that this would have ended the plans in the very


Chavez spoke from the state of Miranda as a new initiative called the “April 13 Mission” will be started in this region.

The project consists of an intensive plan to provide basic services in the communities of this state to supply of drinking water and power,
build roads and to provide sewage services, houses, schools and health centers.


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