Cuban workers to discuss social security draft legistlation

The discussion by all Cuban workers of a draft bill on social security proposed during the First Period of Sessions of the Cuban Parliament, held last month, will strengthen the legislation.

Over 4, 500 union leaders will guide the discussion process.

Addressing the provincial plenary session of the Cuban Workers Federation (CTC) in the province of La Habana, on Friday, Federation secretary general Salvador Valdes Mesa underscored the importance of the discussion process and noted that it will include 80 key questions and answers. The text of the draft bill has been printed for all union organizations in work centers; also printed is the statement given by Cuban President Raul Castro during the Period of Sessions, which Valdes Mesa described as the best political support to the modifications including in the draft bill.

The CTC general secretary termed as priorities the meeting of a plan of action approved by the provincial plenary session, aimed at boosting food production and lower imports, as well as the guidelines in that direction given by Cuban First Vice-President Jose Ramon Machado Ventura.

Another significant aspect considered by the meeting was the call issued by Raul Castro to retired teachers and professors so that they return to the schools, an initiative that is crucial for La Habana province, given the current deficit of teachers in the territory, which borders the capital Havana.

The provincial CTC plenary session approved the 2009 working guidelines and elected Milagros Caridad Cabrera as Provincial Secretary General of the Cuban Workers Federation in the province, which is made up of 19 municipalities.


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