Over 26 thousand health professionals graduated in Cuba

Some 26,649 health professionals from 20 nations of the world graduated from Cuban medical universities during the 2007-2008 school year.

The figure of graduates in medicine, dentistry, infirmary and health technologies include 24,825 Cubans, said deputy health minister, Doctor

Roberto Gonzalez.

The central graduation ceremony takes place today at Havana?s Carl Marx Theater, in which new professionals from Cuban and other 27 countries

will receive their diplomas. Most of them are part of the fourth graduation of the Havana-based Latin American School of Medicine (ELAM), which has formed 5, 960 health professionals for the world, since its inauguration some years ago.

Havana?s Higher Medical Institute alone graduated 905 professionals, which includes 782 medical doctors and a large group of dentists, said

Jorge Gonzalez, rector of that institution.

The large group of graduates from the Higher Medical Institute also includes professionals from the United States, Congo, Nigeria, Mongolia,
Viet Nam and several Latin American countries. The institute reported a registration of 4,850 students in 2001, but that figure has increased to

nearly 32,000 youths at present.


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