Lloyds bank campaign action

Write to Lloyds bank on their decision to end Cuba business

CSC is calling on supporters to write to their local MPs and to Lloyds Bank asking them to clarify their position on customers who trade with Cuba.

The Cuba Solidarity Campaign is calling for:

1.The UK Government to make urgent and robust representations to the relevant US authorities to cease the application of such illegal trade measures.

2. Sustained pressure on Lloyds TSB and Barclays Bank until they unambiguously state in writing that they will not discriminate against British companies who legitimately trade with Cuba.

3. The UK government to invoke existing antidote legislation (as statuted in the 1996 UK Protection of Trading Interests law).

Model letter of protest to Lloyds

Phil Markey

Relationships Manager

Lloyds TSB Bank

25 Gresham Street


Dear Mr Markey,

Lloyds TSB Bank and the blockade against Cuba

As a Lloyds TSB shareholder/customer I am writing to you to express my concern about recent media reports (Guardian dated 16th and 23rd June 2008) that the bank is directing businesses to stop dealing with Cuban firms or take their accounts elsewhere.

As you are a UK bank I would like you to clarify that you are in fact able to act in accordance with the stated aims of the British Government which encourages trade with Cuba and has a policy of positive engagement with the island.

As a shareholder /customer with Lloyds Bank I would also like you to clarify the following for me:

1. Can you confirm if these media reports are accurate or not ?

2. If they are accurate then I would like to know whether your actions are as a direct consequence of United States’ anti-Cuban legislation or whether you have other reasons for these actions ?

I look forward to your early response on this matter.

Yours sincerely,


Your support is needed:

We need support from individuals and the trade union movement to help further these aims through lobbying the UK government and the banks concerned.


1.Raise these issues at trade union and organisation meetings

2.Write to the Government via Gareth Thomas MP at the Dept. for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform, 1 Victoria Street, London, SW1H OET or email: dti.enquiries@dti.gsi.gov.uk

3.Barclays customers and shareholders can write to: Marcus Agius, Chairman, 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP

Model letters are available from the CSC office 020 8800 0155 or by emailing campaigns@cuba-solidarity.org.uk

Please remember to send a copy of any response you receive to the CSC office.


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