FBU conference report

Luis Marron, Political Counsellor at the Cuban Embassy spoke at a fringe meeting organised by CSC and VIC at the FBU conference in Southport.

Delegates heard Luis Marron explain that change had been going on in Cuba since 1959 and there will continue to be changes for the better for the interests of the Cuban people.

Delegates also heard a report back from Denise Christie, the Secretary of the Scottish Regional Women's Committee.

Denise had recently returned from a delegation to Cuba and described the highlight as the May Day celebration with the international banners expressing their support for Cuba and the revolution.

After the fringe meeting a social event for FBU delegates was held with a Cuban band, DJ and comedian.

The General Secretary of the FBU, Matt Wrack, opened up the evening. Steven Cavalier from Thompsons Solicitors who sponsored the fringe meeting also spoke about the support that they gave to CSC and the trade union movement.

The President of the FBU, Mick Shaw asked delegates to not only join the Cuba Solidarity Campaign but to get their branches to affiliate as well.


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