University lecturers reaffirm solidarity with Cuba

Stuart Watkin reports for the UCU conference in Manchester

Delegates at the University and Colleges Union(UCU) conference in Manchester overwhelmingly passed a motion on 28 May praising the work of the Cuba Solidarity Campaign and reaffirming the unions support for Cuba. The motion tabled by Northumbria University UCU branch agreed "to play a full part in events marking the 50th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution, celebrating the huge gains the Cuban people have made" and went on to resolve "to increase our support for the activities of the Cuba Solidarity


At a fringe meeting organised by the CSC and VIC delegates heard Bob Oram, Vice- Chair of CSC explain the progressive nature of the Cuban Revolution and its internationalist outlook. Bob told the delegates that a Cuban medical brigade had arrived in China to help the victims of the earthquake and the Cubans would stay as long as was needed to help people. Bob rounded off his comments by explaining that the recent changes in Cuba were not a sudden change of direction but were taking place after a full consultation with the mass organisations in Cuba including the

womans federation, the trade unions and youth organisations.


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