Cuban workers campaign to Free the Five

Cuban Parliament President Ricardo Alarcon spoke Tuesday in Havana about the importance of taking advantage of the Cuban Workers Federation (CTC) labor relations, contacts and

international events to generate support for the cause of the Cuban Five.

Alarcon attended the meeting of leaders of the CTC presided over by General Secretary Salvador Valdes Mesa, where the mass organization committed to support the cause of the antiterrorist fighters unjustly imprisoned in the United States, reported Granma daily.

An ongoing plan of action from the Cuban labor movement to seek the release of the Cuban Five will take place in the framework of an

international campaign set for September 12 to October 8.

The CTC activities will not only be directed at Cuba but above all to

intensify efforts to break the media blockade on the subject and reach

the US population. Another aspect is linking progressive labor

organizations from other countries to similar ones in the United States to promote the involvement of the labor movement in the struggle.

September 12 marks the tenth anniversary of the incarceration of the

five Cubans who had been working undercover to prevent terrorist attacks

against the island from Miami-based groups that enjoy the protection of

the US government.

The meeting of labor leaders also discussed top priority issues facing

workers, including union membership and meetings, housing, and next year’s 16th Science and Technology Forum.

Cuban News Agency


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