Hurricane preparedness drills begin

Cuba will carry out the civil defense exercise Meteoro 2008 this weekend, to test the preparation of the country for the upcoming hurricane season starting June 1.

In statements published on Granma newspaper today, Colonel Jose Ernesto

Betancourt Lavastida explained some of the preventive measures to be taken during and after the exercise.

In urban areas, where flooding is usually caused by blocked drainage

systems and not by rain alone, work focuses mainly on cleaning pipes,

ditches, sewers, and river banks, said Betancourt.

Areas where flooding may occur have been identified and measures have

been taken to evacuate the population if it is necessary, explained the


Our first priority is to guarantee the preservation of human lives, and the state and family resources and economy, said Betancourt. Pruning trees and evacuating cattle to safe areas are also part of the preventive measures.

Being prepared to face natural disasters and technological and sanitary dangers is a priority for the Cuban government, which conducts

contingency planning and media campaigns every year prior to the

hurricane season from June 1- November 30.


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