RMT welcomes Cuba campaigners

200 delegates supporting Cuba

RMT welcomes Cuba campaigners

Rob Miller, Director of the Cuba Solidarity Campaign and Luis Marron, Political Counsellor from the Cuban Embassy spoke at the RMT Engineering Grades Conference on Thursday 24 April.

Rob thanked the Conference for the solidarity work that the RMT has done in the past for Cuba and spoke about the social progress that Cuba has made despite the illegal blockade of the island by the USA. As the 50th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution approaches Rob called on the RMT and all UK Trade Unionists to join in bothe the campaigning and the celebrations as part of the Cuba50 festival.

Luis said that it was a privilege to address a rank and file meeting of workers and told the 200 delegates about the current international situation and explained the gains that had been achieved over the last 50 years in Cuba in health, education, social security and sports amongst other things. Luis finished his speech by thanking the Cuba Solidarity Campaign for the work they have done and said that when the history of Cuba comes to be written a chapter should be dedicated to the RMT and their solidarity work on behalf of Cuba.

Greg Hewitt from the RMT opened the Conference and made a presentation to Luis on behalf of the union in recognition of the work that Cuba has done internationally for the labour movement.


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