US Congresswoman meets terrorists

US Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen participated in a meeting in Miami, Florida, that was also attended by international and self-confessed terrorist Luis Posada Carriles.

According to Granma news daily, the meeting was organized by a terrorist

organization in Miami with links to the CIA.

The Granma article recalls that, among many other terrorist actions, Posada Carriles was the mastermind of the mid-air bombing of a Cubana airliner in 1976, which killed all 73 people onboard.

The article adds that Ros-Lehtinen, Bush’s top representative of his

foreign policy in the US Chamber of Representatives, participated in the

meeting organized by the so-called Cuban Political Imprisonment, an

organization founded in August 2002 that groups counterrevolutionaries

with a violent past under the direction of notorious terrorist Sixto

Reynaldo Aquit, who masterminded a plot to assassinate Fidel Castro in

1999 in Venezuela with the support of the Cuban American National

Foundation, another Miami-based terrorist organization.

The Granma article recalls that the so-called Cuban Political Imprisonment organization has always served as a reserve for the US special services to recruit mercenaries.

Granma also recalls that Ros-Lehtinen, daughter of a man associated to the bloody dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista in Cuba, has often publicly

expressed her support of terrorists who have carried out violent actions against Cuba.

Cuban News Agency


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