UNESCO official sees Cuban university system as a model

Cuban universities are a model for developing nations, said Georges Haddad, director of UNESCO’s Higher Education Division, as he attended an international congress on higher education underway in the Cuban capital.

Dr. Haddad is one of the figures taking part in “University 2008,” the

sixth international conference on education, which has brought together

more than 3,000 delegates from over 50 countries.

In statements to this agency, Haddad said the University of Havana,

founded 280 years ago, can serve as a model for all developing countries

due to its inclusive nature and the human values promoted by the


Referring to the conference, the scholar said it was a great opportunity

for the exchange among representatives of universities from all over

Latin America and the Caribbean about the values and market criteria.

Dr. Haddad also highlighted the Cuban initiative of opening up

university venues in municipalities throughout the island, with the

objective of facilitating the enrollment of young people in higher

education courses based on the development needs of each area.

Cuba has became a leading country in the promotion of education, said

the doctor in Mathematics, adding that for that reason there are so many

foreign educators attending the conference.

The countries with the highest number of participants at the event are

Venezuela, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Spain, Italy and Cuba.

Cuban News Agency



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