Korda's daughter to sue Reporters Without Borders

$1 million claimed for misuse of Che image

Reporters Without Borders, the French NGO supposedly dedicated to Press Freedom is being sued by the daughter of the famous Cuban photographer Korda for $1 million.

Reporters Without Borders, or RSF (Reporters sans Frontieres) as it is known in France, used Korda's famus image of Che the Guerrilla wihtout permission last year in a campaign attacking Cuba for its record on press freedom.

The late photographer's daughter, Diana Diaz Guttierrez, took out an injunction to stop the use of the image in association with the ca,paign and forced the organisatin to retract the posters and leaflets.

Now she has decided to sue the organisation for breach of copyright after she learned that RSF did not destoy the offending materials but has kept them in its office in Paris.

She is demanding 200 Euros for leaflet printed. If successful the suit will result in damages of over $1 million.

RSF has carried out a vitriolic campaign against Cuba in France. Its leader Robert Menard has recently been a guest of the far-right Cuban Americans in Miami and has announced that RSF will shortly be opening an office there.


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