Latin America Conference 2007, Dec 1st, London

Over 300 people pre registered

Latin America Conference 2007

THERE are only a few days remaining for people to snap up tickets for the eagerly awaited Latin America Conference 2007.

The event is a must for anyone interested in the continent and is being held at Congress House, Great Russell Street, London, on Saturday, December 1, from 9.30am to 5pm.

The annual conference – now in its third year – has attracted more top speakers than ever before. More than 300 people have already booked tickets and it is already clear that this year will be the biggest conference held to date.

One of the highlights will be a talk by celebrated civil rights lawyer Leonard Weinglass, the US lawyer heading the defence team for the Miami 5.

He is visiting the UK for the first time and will be talking about the latest developments in the legal case of the Miami 5. The Cubans are now in their tenth year of imprisonment, but still their legal battle grinds on.

Household names such as former MP Tony Benn and George Galloway MP will be alongside representatives from Latin America.

They will be discussing the exciting political and social developments affecting the continent, as well as talking about the threats being faced by progressive movements.

Rob Miller, Director of the Cuba Solidarity Campaign, said: “The conference promises to be an excellent day and I strongly urge people to come along in order to hear firsthand about the incredible and uplifting developments taking place in Latin America.

“Progressive forces are on the offensive and people are challenging the US imposed neo-liberal policies that left a continent impoverished.

“The conference is open to all those wishing to find out about these exciting developments and support the peoples of Latin America in their struggles for self determination and social justice.”

Osiris Oviedo from the Cuban Trade Unions Federation (CTC).will be speaking about Cuba and also participating in a seminar on women’s rights in Latin America.

The ambassadors for both the Cuban and Venezuelan embassies – Renė Mujica Cantelar and Samiel Moncada – will also be addressing the conference, along with Carlos Lopez Tinoco, Youth Secretary of Nicaragua's public service union, and MP Cesar Navarro, a Bolivian MP who represents Potosí.

Other key speakers include author and journalist Richard Gott; Labour MPs Jeremy Corbyn and Colin Burgon MP; playwright and journalist Vicotira Brittain and representatives from across the British trade union movement.

Delegates will be able to participate in two seminars – out of a choice of 14 – that will explore key topics in more detail.

See the full list of speakers and programme on

The event has been organised by the Cuba Solidarity Campaign, Venezuela Information Centre and the South East Region TUC.

Tickets are priced £6 concessions and £10 adults, and are available from and by calling the Cuba Solidarity Campaign on: 020 7263 6452.

Latin America 2007 has been sponsored by OH Parsons Trade Union Solicitors and is supported by: FBU, GMB, RMT, Unison, Unite, Banana link, Brazilian Contemporary Arts, Caribean Labour Solidarity, Casa Latina, Central America Womens Network, Justice for Colombia, Latin America Elderley Project, LIBERATION, Movimientos and the Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign.


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