Cuba Will Not Participate in Upcoming World Boxing Championships

Havana, August 29 (acn) The Cuban Boxing Federation announced that the island will not participate in the upcoming World Championships of the sports scheduled for October 21st to November 3rd in Chicago, United States.

In a note published on Wednesday by the Granma news daily, the Cuban Boxing Federation explains that there are several reasons to decline the invitation to the world event in Chicago, one of three qualifiers for the 2008 Olympic Games of Beijing, China.

The note says that the main reasons were expressed by Cuban President Fidel Castro in his reflections published by Granma news daily last August, linked to the defection of two Cuban boxers during the 15th Pan American games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

"Cuba will not sacrifice one bit of honor, nor any of its ideas, for Olympic gold medals; the morale and patriotism of its athletes shall prevail above all else," wrote the Cuban leader on that occasion.

"We will not expose a Cuban boxing team to the maneuvers and provocations that can occur in Chicago, in the United States, which is an ideal territory so that those who traffic in sports talents can act with total impunity and the complicity of the US authorities," the note of the Cuban Boxing Federation adds.

"It is not crazy to think of an alliance between American and German mafias after "Arena Box Promotion" spent millions of dollars in this dirty business," the article explains in reference to the German boxing firm's efforts to buy the services of Cuban boxers.

The Cuban Boxing Federation also criticizes the International Boxing Association for its passivity in front of the permanent aggressions of professional boxing against Cuba and its sports movement, which is an example of respect and ethics in all international events and which gives its solidarity and contribution in dozens of countries in favor of the development of this sport.


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